Kai-Zhan Lee

Kai-Zhan Lee graduated from the Dalton School in New York, New York. He plans to major in Computer Science in the Intelligence Systems track, and he is considering a minor in Financial Engineering or Applied Mathematics.

Kai-Zhan Lee aspires to become a technology-based entrepreneur and, ultimately, bring greater happiness to society.

Long before high school, Kai-Zhan was fascinated by math and logic and their tendency, when combined, to easily and elegantly provide clear solutions to problems of almost any sort, especially those of philosophy. It was when he was seven that he began taking high school math courses from EPGY, the Educational Program for Gifted Youth. His passion for mathematics eventually led him to become top scorer in his school on the AMC 12 and won him several state and city math competition awards. His interest in computer science spans back to when he was eight, when it was piqued by a course that focused on basic concepts of computer science and programming. In the following years, he learned in far greater depth about computer science from a wide variety of other sources, including a course at Columbia.

Aside from his interests in STEM, Kai-Zhan enjoys playing the classical piano, rollerblading in the city, and exploring its many museums. He delights in reading books and taking apart the ideas they present to form general maxims of behavior.