Sharvani Vadlamani

Sharvani Vadlamani graduated from South Brunswick High School, nestled in the heart of central New Jersey. Embarking on her journey at Columbia University, Sharvani is enthusiastic to pursue a dual major in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, paving the way for a career dedicated to research and technological development.

During high school, Sharvani's fascination with scientific inquiry blossomed through various research experiences. Immersing herself in the realm of space exploration, she interned at NASA, collaborating closely with faculty members to conceptualize and execute a study focused on rover exploration of the Martian terrain. Through meticulous analysis of satellite imagery, Sharvani charted an optimal course adhering to the exacting standards of in-situ resource utilization, among other mission objectives.

Fueling her passion for interdisciplinary exploration, Sharvani delved into the realm of neuroscience during her tenure as a research intern at Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine. Leveraging cutting-edge computational methodologies, she delved into the intricacies of mouse behavior, exploring the ramifications of limited bedding and nesting on their cognitive processes. Employing the SLEAP AI model, she tracked the nuanced movements of these subjects. Additionally, her interest in computational chemical engineering at the New Jersey Institute of Technology saw her developing theoretical models for the surface tension dynamics of nerve agent sarin. Leveraging her skill in Python programming, she created a denoising algorithm for molecular simulation data.

Beyond her research pursuits, Sharvani immersed herself in several extracurricular activities. Assuming leadership roles within various clubs, including Science Olympiad, she excelled in events such as Chemistry Lab, Solar Power, and Environmental Chemistry. As a dedicated board member of her school's Mathletes team and Computer Science Club, she organized several programming workshops at a hackathon.

In her leisure moments, Sharvani finds joy in music and dance. At the Elite International Competition, she was recognized for her solo performance of Franck Sonata on the violin. Eager to embark on her collegiate journey, Sharvani eagerly anticipates immersing herself in the rich culture of New York City alongside the Columbia community. With a commitment to engineering innovation and societal betterment, she aspires to play a pivotal role in crafting transformative solutions to pressing environmental and humanitarian challenges.